Our Curriculum

Garden International School, Bangkok is a friendly and family-orientated school, which has community at his heart.

First School

When children begin their journey at Garden International School Bangkok they are taught with guidance from Development Matters.This guidance takes into account that children develop quickly within the Foundation Stage and helps guide teachers to do all they can to help children have the best possible start in life.


The curriculum in the Primary School at Garden International School, Bangkok is based on the best curriculum models from the UK. These curriculums are adapted by our expert teachers to suit the surroundings and learning needs of our children.

Our primary students enjoy studying in a science lab

Lower Secondary

During Key Stage 3 (KS3), Years 7 to 9, the students continue the education they received in Primary by also following the National Curriculum of England and Wales, which is adapted to suit the international climate in which we live.

During Years 10 and 11 the students start to focus on those subjects that they feel will best benefit them in the future. Although these life decisions might seem a bit early, the students are encouraged to take a variety of subjects in order to broaden their horizons and provide them with more options for the next stage in their education.

Sixth Form

At Garden, we offer the comprehensive A-Level programme, including national curriculum subjects; English Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Design Technology, Art and Design, History, Geography, Global Perspectives and Music. On average, students complete four AS courses in Year 12, and three A-level courses in Year 13.

Our sixth form students are studying happily

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Dear Parents and Students, Making choices for both IGCSE and AS/A-Levels is a very important time. We here at Garden International School, Bangkok want to support our students as best as possible in their decision making.

Overview of Inclusion

At Garden we believe a holistic and inclusive approach to education is the way forward. As such, in-class support, coaching cycles, collaborative-planning and co-teaching will be the priority for supporting students identified as having difficulty accessing the curriculum. This could be for issues related to EAL (English as an Additional Language) or SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disabilities). 


Support will primarily and initially consist of Quality First Teaching (QFT); lessons that are differentiated and scaffolded to ensure all individual students can access. This is achieved through the careful planning by teachers, with support from the EAL and SEN department. Teachers and support assistants will have regular training and meetings, as well as attending collaborative planning sessions to ensure needs are being met. In addition, there will be in-class support, according to the individual need of the student.


We take an individualised approach to supporting learners. Those identified as in need of additional support will have a ‘learner passport’ developed with all stakeholders’ input included (student, parents, teachers, counsellor, administrators, external providers). This will work on an ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle and will outline the best approach in supporting that child, using the variety of interventions available. 

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